Ann Burris with Paul Doell, Seafarers’ House 2019 Golden Compass honoree.
After retiring from a career in the telecom industry in 2002, Ann Burris was looking for volunteer opportunities. Her late husband John was a member of the board of Seafarers’ House and he “volunteered” his wife to chair the annual Golden Compass event.
In 2005, Ann took over John’s seat on the board, which she held until 2008 when the couple moved to Annapolis. After John’s death in 2012, Ann returned to South Florida, and to volunteering for Seafarers’ House, where she continues to serve as co-chair (with Eugene “Gene” Sweeney) of the annual Golden Compass gala.
In fact, Ann and Gene have become synonymous with Seafarers’ House biggest fundraiser of the year.
“I love learning about the honoree and their background and then being able to deliver a night filled with fun for that person, while at the same time raising a significant amount of money for the charity,” says Ann.
Ann’s role at Seafarers’ House also led her back into the workforce. While volunteering her first time around, she got to know several people with Holland America who believed she would be an ideal fit for a new initiative the cruise line was starting in South Florida, that of Community Relations Representative. She launched her new career with Holland America in 2004 and happily returned to her job with the cruise line following her return to Florida.
“My role is to represent Holland America in its charitable giving endeavors. Seafarers’ House has been our longest term partner as its mission of caring for crew is a perfect fit with one of the many goals of our social responsibility agenda,” she says.
As a volunteer and Holland America employee, Ann recognizes the important role Seafarers’ House plays for both mariners and the port community.
“Seafarers’ House is a beacon for both the seagoing personnel and the port community in general. The life of a seafarer is challenging. These individuals work and live in the same place which would be difficult for anyone, much less those who leave their countries and their families for extended periods of time,” she says.
Never one to rest on her laurels, Ann is playing an important part in Seafarers’ House capital campaign to build a new Place of Welcome.
“The existing Seafarers’ House has seen better days – for a long time! It is time to build a long-standing home for the mariners and for the port community. I am honored to be funding the Burris Financial Center. It is a tribute to my late husband who was a financial wizard (at least in my mind!) and who would have found this a perfect fit.”