Meet the Delphinus

The m/v Delphinus was off our shore for more than four months because of a management dispute. The crew, unable to leave the ship, sat within sight of land, but unable to leave the ship for weeks on end. Our chaplains helped supply the crew with necessities as the dispute was worked out on land, but more importantly Seafarers’ House helped bring mariners from the m/v Delphinus temporarily to shore for a few hours of terra firma. Doing so makes a world of difference in their quality of life. Most spent their time connecting with family and purchasing comfort items from the convenience and electronics stores.

Caring for crew members is what we do, but we could NOT be successful without the support, partnership and spirit of cooperation of all parties involved. It takes a village to care for seafarers when they reach Port Everglades and we are blessed to have such caring, concerned and generous partners in this village.


The situation on the m/v Delphinus is not common, but it does require an immense amount of time, money and resources to care for the nearly 150,000 mariners who reach our shores every year.

To provide comfort to a seafarer or honor the memory of a seafarer you know, please visit

Much media attention surrounded the crew of the m/v Delphinus. Here's how our former Port Chaplain, Father Ron, eloquently explained the situation to the media:

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