2017 Day of the Seafarer


Join us on June 25th to celebrate Day of the Seafarer! Each year we recognized June 25th as "Day of the Seafarer", acknowledging the invaluable contributions seafarers make to our daily lives, often at a great personal cost. The 2017 theme is Seafarers Matter (#SeafarersMatter) – a great reminder that seafarers are working behind the scenes to make our global economy possible!


According to IMO, the Day of the Seafarer was first celebrated in 2011, following its establishment by a resolution adopted by the Conference of Parties to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, held in Manila, Philippines, in June 2010, which adopted major revisions to the STCW Convention and Code. The Day of the Seafarer has now been included in the annual list of United Nations Observances.


Please voice your support for seafarers using social networks on June 25th and show them that we care!


How you can support a mariner:

Post, Tweet or Blog!

Say “Thank you seafarers” on Facebook, via tweets, by posting a video on YouTube, discussing on LinkedIn, or even writing a blog post. Click here to download a draft blog post for you or your company to use! Then hashtag your content with #SeafarersMatter and make sure to tag us on Twitter (@Seafarers_House) or Facebook!


Update your Facebook Profile

Change your Facebook profile picture to show your support for seafarers! It's very simple and a great way to build awareness! Simply right click the image on the right and save it to your desktop. On June 25th, login to Facebook and change you profile picture.


Post a picture to the IMO Wall

Last year IMO built a virtual wall for you to post your best photos of experiences and sights at sea. It was a huge hit and back again this year! Join the Day of the Seafarer 2017 campaign and inspire everyone with your stories of being #SeafarersMatter.

View or Post to the Wall Here.

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